Thursday, November 8, 2007

Jon Kitna: Professional Quarterback and Christian

I was reading through today and stumbled across this article about Detroit Lion's quarterback Jon Kitna. I'm sure many reading this blog will remember Kitna from the 5 years he played in Cincy, and especially the fine he got for wearing non-NFL sanctioned apparel, aka black hat with an orange cross on it, although the league eventually rescinded the fine.

Anyways, it's always great to hear stories of players being really serious about their faith in Christ, especially when it impacts a team in the way Kitna has impacted Detroit. No, I'm not talking about the 6-2 record (although some have taken to calling the Lion's "God's team" because of Kitna). But rather, the fact that Kitna currently hosts a bible study every Monday for players and their wives, with two dozen of those people being newly converted Christians since his arrival. The article goes on to talk about how he has been open with his faith since day 1, doesn't cram things down people's throats, and his commitment to God's sovereignty. It is so easy today to have no confidence in the truth of any professional athlete's religious convictions, with all the sky pointing after big touchdowns/homeruns/game winning shots.

My favorite quote comes at the end, "Some fancy Kitna as a religious zealot, but if having strong faith is the worst thing we can say about a professional athlete, maybe we're the ones who need to reevaluate our priorities"

Makes me wonder if some significant progress could be made in fixing the Bengals on and off field personnel problems by bringing JK back to a Bengals uniform. . . Shoot, if he moved back to Cincy, we could probably get him to regularly attend The Oaks!!

Friday, October 26, 2007


So, it's been over a month since my last post . . . I hadn't realized it was that long until I looked today. Getting busy, being gone on weekends, sort of has a tendency to knock one out of the habit. That and I didn't want to make my grand re-entry with some YouTube video (nothing wrong with those, I post them occasionally myself, because laughing is always healthy.)

Anyways, this news is way too big to pass up posting. For those that don't know, my family's church in Hudson has been embroiled in leaving the PCUSA for over a year now. It's a pretty big deal, civil court case, lots of emotion and theological nightmares. The case was filed Sept. 28th of 2006, last motions and findings presented in May, and just today the verdict came out. The magistrate found every point of the case in favor of my church and against the Eastminster Presbytery and the PCUSA. Ours is a big case, because many churches were looking to our actions last year before making decisions, and as such the PCUSA has poured alot of attention and resources into trying to win this case. There will most likely be an appeal, but it's way better heading into that from the winning side of the table. Plus there is always the possibility that they simply let the matter go . . . For more information on the bigger happenings surrounding the PCUSA, check out this website.

Praise Jesus, the gospel will continue to be proclaimed!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Videos and Church Plants

This video has officially been viewed over 1,000 times. It's something I uploaded to You Tube about six months ago, and only sent to 30 or 40 people. How folks find stuff on the internet is beyond me.

Anyways, what you are looking at is the Neza trash dump in Mexico City. I was there doing some missions work, and this pan was shot from the doorstep of a little tin shack church they have planted there. It just seems fitting that so soon after The Oaks Community Church has been launched, this video goes past 1,000 views. It's an awesome reminder that no matter what the size and scope is of the work He is doing in Middletown, He is sovereign and moving throughout the world. Our entire existence is upheld by the power of His word. That is our God. Amen.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Walk with me

The Oaks Community Church officially launches to full time in 6 days. While reading the Middletown Journal online, I found a short article talking about this video from a Middie resident. It is a bit long at 6 minutes, but the overall feel does a pretty good job of capturing the "state of the union" if you will. All I can say, is Come Lord Jesus Come.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I'm sitting in class this morning, wishing I'd made a bigger cup of coffee because Econ before noon = death, and making up a list of things I need to do this week. I kid you not, there are easily 30 things on there, and I haven't even added in all the stuff I didn't get done last week that I needed to and can't remember to add. I look at my phone for the time, and see I've missed a call from my mom and that she left a voicemail, which is odd because she knows I'm in class. Slightly ingtrigued but not really worried, I put the phone away, suffer through thirty more minutes of politics vs. economics, and forget.

My phone was in hand checking voicemail before I'd even walked out of the class, and as it turns out, not so good news. I blogged a while back about a little girl with both types of leukemia that our family knows. Well, she just passed away early this morning. It's really strange, because I have known well a decent number of people who have died over the years. But none of them were 11 . . . A few probably went a little early by today's standards, but none spent most of their lives with the knowledge that there existed little chance they would see high school. She only a month or so ago started asking if she was getting close to dying, and I don't even know how you begin to answer a child honestly. That little life is just gone. Her breathing had slowed down alot last night, a good sign it's almost over, so her mother and sisters sat with her all night. At 4:30 AM, she woke up, sat straight up in bed, gave everyone hugs and said she loved them, and promptly drew her last breath. It all kind of makes my list of things that HAVE to get done seem a little less pressing. They do need to happen, and alot of them today . . . But I think there is time to say a prayer for Cheyenne and her family, for strength and understanding and peace, and to reflect a little bit on life. Please say some prayers for her family, because pretty soon football season will be fully underway, school will load more reading on my plate, and I will more than likely forget/move on. I pray that they can too.

All this reminds me of a Dave Matthews song, Bartender

If I go
Before I'm old
Oh, brother of mine
Please don't forget me if I go

Bartender, please
Fill my glass for me
With the wine you gave Jesus that set him free
After three days in the ground

Oh, and if I die
Before my time
Oh, sweet sister of mine
Please don't regret me if I die

Bartender, please
Fill my glass for me
With the wine you gave Jesus that set him free
After three days in the ground

Bartender, please
Fill my glass for me
With the wine you gave Jesus that set him free
After three days in the ground

I'm on bended knees, I pray
Bartender, please

When I was young, I never think about it
Now I can't get it out of my mind

I'm on bended knees
Father, please

Oh, and if all this gold
Should steal my soul away
Oh, sweet mother of mine
Please redirect me in this gold...

Bartender, you see
The wine that's drinking me
Came from the vine that strung Judas from the Devil's tree
His roots deep, deep in the ground

Bartender, you see
The wine that's drinking me
Came from the vine that strung Judas from the Devil's tree
His roots deep, deep in the ground

In the Ground...

I'm on bended knees
Oh, Bartender, please

I'm on bended knees
Father, please

When I was young, I never think about it
Now I just wanna run and die

I'm on bended knees
Oh, Bartender, please
Bartender, please...

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Whistle Tips with Bub Rub

So, I discovered this video about five years ago. However, tonight during time around the fire, I was reminded of it and shared it's glory with those around me. We literally passed around an iPhone for 10 minutes as people watched it . . . Now I share it with you!

Thursday, August 30, 2007


I know, it's been a while since I posted. I've been out of the country, moved back to Oxford, painted, coached . . . oh, AND classes started back up.

So, a few good thoughts coming, but before any of that, a little gift to get you through the day before a long weekend begins.