Only four pictures today, because we were at the same location, so it will pretty much all look the same. This is the soccer field we played on for almost two hours. Children's ministry is a bit broad in scope, when you consider that people up to 18 or even older need something to do. So, today, we decided to take some of the older ones down to play soccer. Face painting and balloons just don't seem to hold the same appeal for them! who knew. This is one of the physically worst fields I have ever played on, but the view MORE than made up for it. Not to mention these kids just love to have someone to play with.

This is a picture I took while we were singing simple children's songs in Spanish. The man in the blue shirt is one of the pastor's in the area trying to reach this community. He was passing out little booklets to every kid called "El Mejor Regalo", which means the Great Gift. These kids were so eager to sing and praise, it was awesome.

These next two pictures are of a skit we put on to tell a story from the Bible. I'm sure you don't need too long to guess who my character was, given my enormously large size advantage over these children. You might even say that to them I appear about nine feet tall. Every single person there ended up watching the performance, mostly to see what this ridiculous American was up to. The second picture was after David hits me in the head with a "stone" aka wiffle ball, and the kids got a real big kick out of poking the dead giant. I should also probably mention that when I
came out and roared, then chased the children who were playing Israelites, I made two little girls cry. No big deal. I felt really bad, and we paused the skit to pull down my beard and show her I wasn't a horrendous monster.
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