Sound the trumpets, release the doves, it is here . . . A NEW POST!!!
I've been doing ALOT of reading lately, and it has been fantastic. A mix of things, all incredibly enlightening on God and life and the world around us. Bible, Desiring God by John Piper, Systematic Theology, Easy Chairs Hard Words, Knowledge of the Holy, Pursuit of God, The Great Gatsby, On the Road by Jack Kerouac, Lord of the Flies. There is obviously a distinction between the first six and the last three, but it's amazing what you can learn from fiction books as they reveal the way alot of the world thinks and works and is.
The first six you study, re read parts (or entire chapters). The last three you read for a bit of relaxation, maybe before falling asleep (or to put you to sleep!) However, I think reading both should be approached with prayer. I don't think anyone will disagree you should pray for guidance with the first six, but prayer before reading Lord of the Flies is probably a bit more foreign. However, if any truth about God or the world He created can only be truly learned and understood by His providence and through the Holy Spirit, then prayer should naturally be a part of everything we do (eating, sleeping, reading, let it all be to the glory of God.)
Anyways, I've got lots of other thoughts from things I've read, conversations I've had, etc. to throw up here over the next few days, so be watching! Oh, and any hyperlink above is a book I would highly recommend reading as soon as you get the chance.
Last note, Desiring God is having a sale on all Piper's books today and tomorrow, everything $5. I haven't been able to place my order yet today, the checkout system seems to be a bit overloaded, but give it a shot, there's plenty of worthwhile stuff on there.
P.S. - I absolutely LOVE me some fireworks!!! just fyi . . .
mike pruett. i'm probably just gonna go ahead and add you to my linky things. hope that's okay. and that you're having great days. =]
ask and you will receive from the sauce ... glad to see you posting again, i'm looking forward to the insights.
i also must say that's a heck of a book lineup you're sporting there.
mike c. pruett, you little bookworm, you.
and i saw that with much warmth...and jealousy!
i have had a lot of time to read though...i'm currently tackling a book you gave me: the cost of discipleship.
so tackling is the correct word.
hope you are well friend!
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